
高低自立水平儿童的亲-子依恋特点的研究 被引量:16

Relationship Between Self-supporting Levels and Parent-child Attachment in Primary School Students
摘要 目的:探讨儿童自立发展水平与其早期与父母之间的亲-子依恋状况的关系。方法:应用6-12岁儿童自立行为问卷和成人依恋问卷(AAQ3.1)对193名5、6年级小学生进行测试;根据儿童在自立行为问卷上的总分排序,取上27%人群为高自立组,下27%人群为低自立组。结果:①低自立组在母爱缺失、父爱缺失、母亲拒绝、父亲拒绝、对母亲愤怒、对父亲愤怒等6个分量表上得分显著高于高自立组儿童;②母爱缺失、父爱缺失、母亲拒绝、父亲拒绝、对母亲愤怒、对父亲愤怒6个分量表与儿童自立行为各维度之间存在广泛的显著负相关。结论:儿童自立发展水平与其早期与父母之间的亲-子依恋状况密切相关。研究结果提示来自父母的拒绝、否定、爱的缺失、敌对愤怒的亲子关系,将对儿童自立发展产生不利影响。 Objective: To explore the relationship between self-supporting levels and the early parent-child attachment in primary school students. Methods: 193 grade 5 to 6 primary school students were examined by the Self-supporting Behavior Questionnaire for 6 to 12 Years Old Children and Adult Attachment Questionnaire (AAQ 3.1); and then the subjects were divided into two groups, of which the high-self-supporting group included the top 27% according to the self-supporting behavior questionnaire total score, and the low-self-supporting group included the bottom 27%. Results: ①The low-self-supporting group got significantly higher score in mother negative loving, father negative loving, mother rejecting, father rejecting, mother anger and father anger subscales than the high- self-supporting group; ②The children's self-supporting behaviors were negatively correlated with mother negative loving, father negative loving, mother rejecting, father rejecting, mother anger and father anger. Conclusion: Children's self-supporting levels were closely related to the early parent-child attachment. The refusal, rejection, negative loving, and anger of parents might play a passive role in the development of children' s self-supporting behavior.
作者 凌辉 黄希庭
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 2009年第5期612-614,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 教育部人文社会科学“十五”研究项目“学生自立意识发展的特点与教育”(01JAXLX002) 教育部哲学社会科学重大攻关项目"中国心理健康服务体系现状及对策研究"(05JZD0031)的资助
关键词 自立 儿童 亲-子依恋 Self-supporting Child Parent-child attachment
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