
颅脑手术中控制性降压和限制性输液的麻醉体会 被引量:1

Anesthesia Experience of Controlled Hypotension and Restrictive Transfusion during Brain Surgery
摘要 目的:探讨普通颅脑外科围术期控制性降压和限制性输液联合应用的麻醉效果及体会.方法:ASAI—II级拟行普通颅脑外科手术患者30例.术中硝酸甘油10mg加5%葡萄糖液250ml用微量调节输液器静脉点滴,一般收缩压控制在120mmHg左右,限制性输液在1000~1500ml.观察NIBP、P、ECG、SPO2.结果:降压平衡,无一例出现脑水肿、球结膜水肿,血氧饱和度在95%以上,苏醒快,但有可能心率失常发生.结论:围术期控制性降压和限制性输液的联合应用对普通颅脑外科手术比传统方法更合理. Objective: To investigate the anesthetic effect of combined application of controlled hypotension and restrictive transfusion during perioperative period of common cerebral surgery. Methods: 30 ASAⅠ-Ⅱ pations underwent common cerebral surgery. In the process of operation, intravenous dripped nitrogiycerin 10rag plus 5% glucose 250ml with micro-adjustable infusion apparatus. Systolic blood pressure was controled in 120mmHg, restrictive transfusion in 1000-1500ml. Observed NIBP, P, ECG, SPO2. Results: The process of lowering blood pressure was stable, no cases of cerebral edema, no conjunctival edema. Blood oxygen saturation above 95%, patients woke up fast, but the arrhythmia may occur. Conclusion:During perioperative period of common cerebral surgery, combined application of controlled hypotension and restrictive transfusion is more reasonable than traditional methods.
作者 彭力群
出处 《内蒙古民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 2009年第5期573-574,共2页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University:Natural Sciences
关键词 控制性降压 限制性输液 普通颅脑手术 Controlled hypotension Restrictive transfusion Common cerebral surgery
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