
γ-Al_2O_3/Si(100)薄膜高真空MOCVD异质外延生长 被引量:5

Heteroepitaxial Growth of γ Al 2O 3/Si With HVMOCVD
摘要 本文作者在自己组装的立式MOCVD设备上,成功地应用高真空生长技术,于1050℃的高温条件下,在硅上外延生长了γ-Al2O3薄膜.从RHEED看到(100)硅上生长的薄膜是(100)立方单晶γ-Al2O3的衍射图样;平移样品,图样并不发生变化.X射线双晶衍射看到,除了硅的(400)峰和(200)峰以外,只在2θ为45°处有一个低而宽的小峰.XPS谱给出氧的1s峰位为532.3eV,Al的2p峰位为75.4eV,将他们与α-Al2O3比较,对应峰位移动了约3.5eV.俄歇谱说明其铝氧组分比近于γ-Al2O3.说明在我们实验室里确实长出单晶γ-Al2O3薄膜,与衬底的结晶关系是(100)γ-Al2O3//(100)Si,[010]γ-Al2O3//[010]Si. Abstract The single crystal γ Al 2O 3 epilayers have been successfully grown on Si(100) substrates at 1050℃ in a virtical high vacuum chemical vapour deposition (HVCVD) equipment set up by ourself. The high crystalline quality of the single crystal epilayers, γ Al 2O 3(100)//Si(100), is confirmed by both reflection high energy electron diffraction and double crystal X ray diffraction(XRD). Beside the Si (400) and Si (200) peaks, only one small and fat peak γ Al 2O 3 (400) at about 2 θ =45° is observed in the XRD patterns. The 1s peak at 532 3eV for the oxygen and the 2p peak at 75 4 eV for the alumium are observed with XPS. The position of the peaks in XPS moves 3 5eV to the lower energy compared with that of α Al 2O 3 compound. The Auger spectra show that the atom ratio between the aluminium and oxygen in the epilayers is near that of γ Al 2O 3.
出处 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第12期886-889,共4页 半导体学报(英文版)
基金 国家计委"八五"重大基金 国家计委"九五"重大基金
关键词 MOCVD 外延生长 SOS Metallorganic chemical vapor deposition Semiconducting aluminum compounds
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