
新型青铜器缓蚀剂的研制及其应用效果 被引量:11

Preparation and Application of a New Inhibitor for Bronze Wares
摘要 近年来,青铜器保护方法由一般的清除粉状锈转向高效缓蚀剂的应用,并成为研究热点。介绍了加速青铜器腐蚀的多孔氧电极机理,提出了加入氧还原反应抑制剂改进缓蚀剂的新思路。采用电化学Tafel曲线法进行腐蚀电流的测试并对缓蚀效果作出定量的评价。结果表明,在传统的苯骈三氮唑(BTA)中添加钝化促进剂后缓蚀效率可由原来的68.39%提高到97.81%,已对郑州博物馆2批文物进行了保护试验,至今未见新锈生成。对青铜盆残片保护前后腐蚀电流的测试结果分别为2.636×10-9A和1.687×10-10A,缓蚀效率为93.6%。该缓蚀剂已成功应用于焊丝等表面铜层的抗变色处理。 A review is provided of the preparation and application of novel inhibitors for bronze wares.The mechanism of porous oxygen electrode to accelerate pitting corrosion of bronze wares is introduced.And a new idea of introducing inhibitors for oxidation-reduction reaction is proposed to modify the inhibition performance of the inhibitors.Moreover, the corrosion current was measured by using electrochemical tafel curve method, and the inhibition efficiency was quantitatively evaluated.Results indicate that the inhibition efficiency is increased from 68.39% to 97.81% after introducing passivation-accelerating agents in conventional inhibitor benzotriazole.The resulting mixed inhibitor was successfully used for the protection of two groups of bronze artifacts in Zhengzhou Museum.Namely, the surface status of the bronze wares kept unchanged, and no new corrosion products were generated.Besides, when it was used for the protection of bronze ware remains, the corrosion current decreased from 2.636 x 10'' A to 1.687 ×10-10 A, and the inhibition efficiency was as much as 93.6%.At the same time, the mixed inhibitor had been successfully used to avoid tarnishing of the copper layer on the surface of welding wires.
出处 《材料保护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第10期55-57,共3页 Materials Protection
基金 国家自然科学基金(20576126) 河南省科技攻关项目(524490018)资助
关键词 青铜器 缓蚀剂 缓蚀效率 电化学测试 inhibitor bronze ware: inhibition efficiency: electrodemical test
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