
文化多样性作为“人类共同遗产”与“人类共同关切” 被引量:2

Cultural Diversity as Common Heritage and Common Concern of Mankind
摘要 "人类共同遗产"原则与"人类共同关切"概念应当共同指导"全球公域"的国际管理。文化多样性作为"全球公域"之一居中于"权利/利益——义务/责任"标尺,具有双重地位:文化多样性——而非文化本身———所有人类的集体创造,具有重要的固有价值与工具性价值,因此"依据事实本身"是"人类共同遗产";同时,它又面临诸多威胁,急需国际社会的合作应对,因而是"人类共同关切"。文化多样性的保护与发展不否定其一定程度上的同质化,需加强国际合作,在国家间进行"共同而有区别"的责任分配,并充分考虑代际公平。 The principle of "Common Heritage of Mankind" and the idea of " Common Concern of Mankind" should work hand in hand in guiding the international management of global commons. As one of the global commons, cultural diversity occupies a middle position on the scale of "rights/benefits vis-a-vis obligations/burdens". On one hand, cultural diversity, rather than culture itself, is ipso facto the common heritage of mankind, because it is a collective creation by all mankind with enormous intrinsic and instrumental values. On the other, it is the common concern of mankind as it is facing tough challenges and requires international cooperation. The protection and promotion of cultural diversity do not rule out homogeneity to some extent. They demand international cooperation and distribution of "common but differentiated responsibilities" among states, and the full account of inter-generational equity.
作者 苏金远
出处 《西安交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期77-85,共9页 Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University:Social Sciences
关键词 全球公域 文化多样性 人类共同遗产 人类共同关切 global commons cultural diversity common heritage of mankind common concern of mankind
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