
0~21日龄湘黄鸡真可消化钙需要量研究 被引量:1

Study on the True Digestible Calcium Requirement of 0~21 Days old Hunan Yellow Broilers
摘要 研究了0-21日龄湘黄鸡真可消化钙的需要量。选择1日龄健康湘黄鸡500只,按单因子试验设计随机分成5个处理,每处理5个重复,每重复20只鸡,进行了为期21d饲养试验,日粮以磷酸氢钙和石粉为真可消化钙来源,分别设置了0.35%、0.45%、0.55%、0.65%和0.75%五个真可消化钙水平。结果表明,随着日粮钙水平增加,试鸡采食量和日增重有显著下降趋势,而料肉比则表现为先减少后增加趋势。湘黄鸡最适真可消化钙需要量,当分别以最大胫骨灰分和最大胫骨折断力作为评定指标时,分别为0.62%和0.61%。 The objection of this experiment was to study the true digestible calcium requirement of 0- 21day old Hunan Yellow Broilers. Five hundred 1-day-old female Hunan Yellow Broilers were randomly allotted into 5 treatments of 5 replicate pens with 20 birds each. Broilers were fed five graded levels of true digestible calcium . The graded levels of true digestible calcium were 0.35%, 0.45%, 0.55%, 0.65% and 0.75%. The results indicated that, the feed intakes and the weight gains were affected by the true digestible calcium level. In this experiment, using tibia ash content and tibia breaking tenacity as index for evaluating the true digestible calcium requirement for 0-21days old Hunan Yellow Broiler, they were 0.62% and 0.61% respectively.
出处 《家畜生态学报》 2009年第5期31-35,共5页 Journal of Domestic Animal Ecology
基金 湖南省科技攻关项目(编号2008NK3086)
关键词 湘黄鸡 真可消化钙 需要量 Hunan Yellow Broiler true digestible ealcium requirement
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