

Exploring the Reform Prospects of the International Monetary System by the Subprime Mortgage Crisis
摘要 2007年以来,由美国次贷危机引发的当前全球性金融危机已经导致了全球经济动荡,对以美元为中心的现行国际货币体系产生了巨大的冲击。本次危机的爆发既有环境因素的诱因,更有深刻的制度根源;针对危机对国际货币体系的影响所呈现出的新特点,有必要深入思考现行国际货币体系的前景,把握未来国际货币体系的发展方向。本次金融危机为国际货币体系的重构提供了重要契机,从短期看,虽然国际货币体系很难发生重大调整,美元仍将在国际货币体系中处于主导地位,但从中长期看,美元作为中心货币的地位将被逐渐削弱,欧元与亚洲货币的地位将会逐渐上升。 The current global financial crisis caused by the subprime mortgage crisis has led to turmoil in the global economy and had a tremendous impact on international monetary system since 2007. Analyzing the background as well as the causes of the crisis and its impact will not only be helpful to understand the existing international monetary system ,but also be helpful to predict the development perspective of the system. The crisis is not only the result of econormic developing environments, but also of the profound system root. Regarding the international mometary system' s new characteristics caused by the crisis. We should attach much importance to thinking and grasping the perspective of nowaday' s monetary system. The finance crisis has provided such a great chance to restructure the international monetary system. In the short - term. It' s difficult to adjust the international monetary system and usd still holds the leader' s role. however,in the long iun ,the central currency usd will be weakened with EUPO and many Asian currencies becoming mach popular and stronger.
作者 周群华
出处 《兰州商学院学报》 2009年第5期107-110,123,共5页 Journal of Lanzhou Commercial College
关键词 次贷危机 国际货币体系 改革前景 the subprime mortgage crisis international monetary system the perspective of reform
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