
一种基于FP-tree的最大频繁项目集挖掘算法 被引量:1

An Algorithm for Mining Maximum Frequent Item Sets Based on FP-tree
摘要 提出一种基于FP-tree的最大频繁项目挖掘算法DMFIA-D,该算法运用双向搜索策略,根据FP-tree构造特征自顶向下选取最大频繁候选项集,自底向上对候选项集进行计数、剪枝最终确定最大频繁项目集。由于减少了最大频繁候选集,并对候选集进行有效剪枝,从而缩短算法的挖掘时间,提高挖掘效率。 Proposes DMFIA-D for mining maximum frequent item sets,this algorithm uses bi-directional searching, chooses candidates of the maximum frequent item sets with top-down searching, and takes count of them or prune them with bottom-up searching based on analyzing FP-tree structure characteristic. For reducing the maximum frequent candidate item sets and prune the candidates effectively, so reduces the time of mining and enhances the efficiency.
作者 梅俊 郑刚
出处 《现代计算机》 2009年第9期33-36,共4页 Modern Computer
关键词 数据挖掘 关联规则 最大频繁项目集 FP-TREE Data Mining Association Rules Maximum Frequent Item Sets FP-tree
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