
跨境双重上市与公司投资效率分析 被引量:4

摘要 本文利用我国上市公司1993~2007年的9813个样本数据,采用数据包络分析方法探讨跨境双重上市能否提高公司的投资效率。研究结果表明,在A+H双重上市公司所涉及的九个行业中,制造业、电煤水业、信息技术业、银行保险业、房地产业、社会服务业的A+H公司的投资效率优于行业平均水平,占2007年底51家A+H公司的68.6%;但采掘业、建筑业、交通运输业的A+H公司的投资效率低于行业平均水平,占2007年底51家A+H公司的31.4%。大部分A+H公司的规模效率小于1但规模报酬递增,DEA表明这些公司应该继续扩大规模。大部分行业的上市公司(包括A+H公司)的效率均值都逼近或超过0.9,但各行业公司间的效率值比较接近。 Using the method of data envelopment analysis, we studied the data of 9813 listed companies in China from 1993 to 2007 to discuss whether cross-border dual listings can improve corporate investment efficiency. The results show that, in the nine industries concerned in A&H dual-listing, the average investment efficiency of the A&H companies belonging to the industries of manufacturing, electricity & water & coal, information technology, banking and insurance, real estate, social services, is higher than the corresponding industrial average level. The number of these A&H companies account 68.6% of all the A&H companies at the end of 2007 (51 companies). However, the average investment efficiency of the A&H companies belonging to the industries of excavating, construction, transportation, is lower than the corresponding industrial average level. The number of these A&H companies account 31.4% of all the A&H companies at the end of 2007 (51 companies). Furthermore, the scale efficiency of most A&H companies is less than 1 and the return to scale is increasing, which means that these companies should expand their scale. The average efficiency values of most industries (including A&H companies) vary around 0.9, but average efficiency values of all the companies (including A&H companies) in each industry are very adjacent.
出处 《证券市场导报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第10期52-60,共9页 Securities Market Herald
基金 南开大学2007年度人文社会科学校内文科青年项目(NKQ07014) 教育部人文社科青年项目(07JC790063) 教育部人文社科基金项目(07JA630014)资助
关键词 跨境双重上市 海外上市 投资效率 A+H公司 Cross-Border Dual-Listings, Overseas Listing, Investment Efficiency, A&H Company
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