
竹粉苯酚液化工艺优化及产物结构表征 被引量:6

Liquefaction Technology Optimization of Bamboo Powder and Structure Characterization of Reaction Product
摘要 以苯酚为液化剂,浓硫酸为催化剂,对竹粉进行液化实验,采用正交实验研究了反应温度、催化剂用量、液固质量比和反应时间对液化率的影响。结果表明,对竹粉苯酚液化影响最大的因素是液固质量比,其次是反应温度、反应时间、催化剂用量;竹粉苯酚液化较适宜的试验条件为:苯酚与竹粉质量比4∶1,硫酸质量分数4%,反应温度140℃,反应时间120min。对竹粉原料、液化产物和残渣进行了傅立叶红外光谱分析,结果表明,竹粉在苯酚液化后,竹粉中化学组分的分子结构发生了明显的变化,形成了更多的官能团。 The liquefaction technology of bamboo powder in the presence of phenol under sulfuric acid catalysis was studied. The effects of reaction temperature, reaction time, liquid-solid weight ratio and catalyst content on liquefaction were analyzed by orthogonal experiment. The results showed: the most important factor of bamboo liquefaction is liquid-solid weight ratio, the second one is reaction temperature, the third one is reaction time and the last one is catalyst content. The optimal liquefaction conditions are phenol-bamboo powder ratio 4 : 1, sulfuric acid concentration 4%, reaction temperature 140℃ and reaction time 120 min. Moreover, bamboo and liquefaction product were analyzed with FTIR, the results showed that bamboo powder via liquefaction, the molecular structure of bamboo powder take place significant change, liquefaction product have more functional group than before reaction.
出处 《纤维素科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 2009年第3期1-6,共6页 Journal of Cellulose Science and Technology
基金 浙江省重大科技专项(2008C12058)
关键词 竹粉 苯酚 液化 工艺参数 活性官能团 bamboo powder phenol liquefaction technological parameter functional group
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