Purpose: Cloning of the associated antigen of gastric cancer. Metheds: Total RNA and mRNA was extracted from the gastric cancer cell strain MGC-803. The cDNA was synthesized through reveme transcription by using Not I/oligo(dt) 12 - 18 as primer. The cDNA fragments smaller than. oeoebp were removend and the remaining cDNA was connected with Ecor I adaptors which was then digested with Not I and ligated to dimetional expressing vector λ Excel Not I/EcoR I/CIP. The recombinat cDNA packaged in vitro was used to infect NM522. Eventually, the directonal expressing cDNA library for human gastric cancer MGC-803 cell was constructed. Result: The library consisted of 1 .2 ×10° recombinats. The recombination rate was 96.7%. The average size of the inserts was 1kb. Conclusion: The library was suitable for screening all abundant InRNA for cDNA clone.
Henan Journal of Oncology