2820 cases of burn were treated with MEBT during the period from January 1990 tomay 1997. 2000 outpatients and 820 inpatients. Among the outpatients, the largest burn area was13% TBSA and the smallest 0.5% TBSA. Children accounted for 42%, young pcople 30% and the el-derly 28%. Among the inpatients, the largest burn area was 85% TBSA and the smallest 2% TBSA.5% of them had burn area larger than 30% TBSA, 40% of them had burn area>10%TBSA. and<30%TBSA. 55% of them had burn area<10% TBSA. The total curative rate was 99.8% 6 caseswith very large area burn died and all the rest of the patients cured.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers