

On Ye Xian-zhu's Lifelong Writing Career and his Family's Learning Origin
摘要 本文以万历四十七年己未(1619)叶宪祖中进士为界,把他的一生分为前后两期。前期,叶宪祖主要以潜心读书为主。后期,叶宪祖面临的不再是个人的升沉、得失,而是严酷的社会现实,黑暗的政治体制。叶宪祖之所以能成为一个戏曲家,与他的家学渊源是分不开的。叶家乃书香门第、科举世家,其父叶逢春对叶宪祖的影响尤为深重。叶逢春工诗、工古文辞,喜曲。耳濡目染之下,叶宪祖也善为古文辞,喜曲更善于谱曲。叶氏先祖勤政爱民、不畏权贵的传统也影响着叶宪祖的为人行事。博采众长、注重讲学更是对叶宪祖的戏曲创作与审美取向产生巨大的影响。 Ye Xian-zu's life has been divided into two periods by his success as the candidate in the highest imperial examinations in 1619. In the former period, he dedicated himself into study. In the later one, after he succeeded in the imperial exam, he had to face the bitter social reality and the dark political system but no longer his personal benefits. Ye Xian - zu' s family had a long tradition of learning. That' s the reason why he had become a dramatist. It was a family of learned scholars and imperial examination. Among all those who influenced him most was his father Ye Feng - ehun, who was well versed in poetry and classical prose and interested in qu. Being imperceptibly influenced by what he saw and heard, Ye Xian -zu was also well versed in classical prose. What's more he was interested in qu and good at writing it. The tradition of being diligent and conscious in serving the people as well as standing no fear of influential officials passed by Ye Meng - de, one of the ancestor of Ye family, also influenced Ye Xian - zu' s behavior. In addition, the family tradition of adopting the essence of all other cultures and laying stress on discourse of an academic subject also gave great impact on his creation and aesthetic inclination of drama.
作者 吴艳萍
出处 《广西师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2009年第2期130-135,共6页 Journal of Guangxi Teachers Education University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 叶宪祖 生平 创作 家学渊源 影响 Ye Xian-zu Life Creation Family Tradition of Learning Impact
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