
FDS+Evac软件在火灾逃生中的应用 被引量:6

Application of FDS+Evac Software in Fire Escape
摘要 对人员疏散模拟软件FDS+Evac在火灾逃生中的应用进行了探讨和分析。结合使用该软件的经验与体会,总结了FDS+Evac建模、记事本编程、计算结果分析的一些方法和调试技巧,展望了其在火灾和其他紧急疏散领域的应用。 This paper analyses the application of FDS+Evac software in fire escape,summarizes some application methods and techniques on modeling,Notepad programming and data analysis based on the experiences from the numerical simulation and forecasts the application of FDS+Evac in fires and other areas of emergency evacuation.
出处 《工业安全与环保》 北大核心 2009年第10期33-34,共2页 Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection
关键词 人员疏散 FDS+EVAC 应用分析 evacuation FDS+Evac application analysis
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