引言 关于“绿坝”软件的各种争论近一段时间充斥在国内外各种媒体上,其中有一则新闻值得引起人们的注意,一家外国软件开发商质疑“绿坝”软件不当使用了其所开发的开放源代码软件^1。在此姑且不论该质疑的最终真实性,假如“绿坝”软件真的使用了开放源代码软件,并且它符合最为流行的开放源代码软件许可证GPL2.0^2,
Introduction Mass media in China and abroad are recently filled with news reports covering debates on the issue of the “Green Dam” software, and one of them, which requires our special attention, is that a foreign software developer alleged that its developed open source software (“OSS” for short) had been wrongly used in the “Green Dam” software^1.
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