Through the methods of literature, investigation and mathematical statistics, and the logic of law, we have had many years reserve about the present development of the men's weightlifting in Sichuan Province, and drew the following conclusions: the quality of the personnel training is not good enough, the amateur training is a small number, and unevenly distributed; training conditions is not perfect; the training opportunities of grassroot coaches are few and paied not enough awarenesst to the scientific training, the scientific selection need ot be futher enhanced, and also the contradictions between athletes's study and training need to be resolved; the import and export mechanisms is not smooth enough; juvenile Weightlifters have little opportunity to take part in the national comperition, and the incentive mechanism is not perfect. Through the observeation of the future development of Men's weightlifting in Sichuan Province we give the following responses: strengthen the cultivation of the grass-roots coaches, and form a high-level coaches groups; to improve the grass-rotts training conditions Through the methods of raise funds in many channels; organize and take part in national competition as many as possible, and further improve the incentive mechanism of the coaches and athletes; smoothen the mechanisms of the athletes's import and export.
Sichuan Sports Science
2008年四川省体育局资助项目 项目编号:08STK013
Sichuan province Weightlifting
Talent of future