

"Party Building Green Project" in Colleges and Development Scientifically of College Students
摘要 大学生要紧紧围绕人生发展主题,坚持以人为本,按照全面协调可持续的基本要求和统筹兼顾的科学方法,不断促进自身的科学发展。然而大学生中存在诸多非科学发展的倾向,如重硬实力提升,轻软实力培养;重自我价值追求,轻社会价值创造;重眼前利益,轻长远发展等,高校党建绿化工程是对解决大学生非科学发展问题的有益探索。 Closely clutching the subjects of human development, sticking to the principle "people oriented", with the basic requirement of "completely coordinating sustainable development" and the scientific method "overall consideration', the college students should improve the sel(- development scientifically and consistently. However, there are some tendencies of unscientifical development, such as, paying much attention to the improvement of hard power while paying little attention to the cultivation of soft power; paying much attention to the pursuit of self--value while paying little attention to the creation of social value; paying much attention to the benefits in the short run while gaying little attention to the development in the long run, etc. The College Party Building Green Projeet gives some helpful exploration to solve the problem of unscientifical development of college students.
出处 《萍乡高等专科学校学报》 2009年第4期11-13,24,共4页 Journal of Pingxiang College
基金 2008年江西省高校人文社科课题"高校实施‘党建绿化工程’研究"(编号:SZ0822)的研究成果之一
关键词 党建绿化工程 科学发展 非科学发展 Party Building Green Project development scientifically development unscientifically
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