Aim: To gain in sight into the occurrence,themanifestation and the treatment of the primary cardiactumors. Methods: There were 48 female and 24 male in thegroup. Their age rage from 3 to 48 years (mean 39), All ofthe group were benign tumors such as my-coma, fibromas,lipoma. The parients medical record were reviewed andspecial attention was paid to clinical presentations, methods ofdiagnosis, operative findings and postoperative course.Results: The majority of the presenting symptoms were cardiac(congestive heart failurs, palpitation ), some patients hadsyncope or embolization. There were 3 oprative deaths. Forassociated cardiac lesions: two parients underwent acoronary artery bypass graft,one mitral valve replacement, fourmitral valve annuloplasties, three tricuspid valveannuloplasties. Conclusion: Primary cardiac tumors are a kind ofrare tumors which in general can be accurately diagnosed onthe basis of echocardiography and which almost always canbe cured by surgical excision.
Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University