
亲密因子对科研合作网的影响 被引量:4

The Impact of Relationship Gene on Scientific Collaboration Network
摘要 参照人际关系网络中的亲密因子构造一个科研合作网络演化模型,分别从网络的度分布、点强度分布、平均路径长度以及聚集系数对亲密因子进行分析,发现演化后的科研合作网具有较短的平均路径长度和较大的聚集系数。最后对一个科研合作的实证网络和仿真网络进行比较,发现两者社团结构具有相同的特征。 This paper constructs an evolving model of scientific collaboration network which refers to relationship gene in social network. The authors analyze the relationship gene from the degree distribution, node strength distribution, average path length and clustering coefficient of the evolving network and find that it has a short average path length and a large clustering coefficient. At last the authors give a comparison between an empirical scientific collaboration network and the evolving network, and find that they have almost the same community structure characters.
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第20期65-67,共3页 Library and Information Service
关键词 科研合作网 网络特性 亲密因子 人际关系网 scientific collaboration network network character relationship gene social network
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