
中国草地资源利用:生产功能与生态功能的冲突与协调 被引量:46

Rangeland Resources Utilization of China:Conflict and Coordination between Product Function and Ecological Function
摘要 草地生态系统具有多功能性,既提供多种畜牧产品,同时也具有多样化的生态服务,诸如防风固沙、保持水土、维持生物多样性等。因此,健康的生态系统是生产功能与生态服务和谐并存的统一体。我国有各类天然草地4×108hm2,其中80%的草地主要分布在干旱、半干旱的北方地区,即主要分布在兴安岭—燕山—吕梁山—秦岭—西藏高原东缘一线以西的广大地区,这一地区自然条件差,生态系统脆弱。因此,草地生态系统具有保障北方地区畜牧业发展和维护我国生态安全的双重角色。1949年以来,我国草地资源利用中忽视了对生态功能和服务的养护,造成生态系统退化,从而影响生态服务的发挥,导致了生产功能与生态服务的冲突。一是在突出生产功能的政策导向下,片面追求草地生产功能最大化,导致大量优质草地被大面积开垦,天然草地资源缩减,出现结构性和功能性的生态退化,生态服务功能受到显著损害。二是由于生产要素投入不足,使得草地系统输出和输入不平衡,难以维持正常的物质和能量循环过程,从而导致生产功能与生态功能的冲突。这主要是由于草地资源是我国的公共财产资源,即使实行草地承包制度后,所有权和使用权的分离,加上缺少政策制度的约束,因此形成了对草地资源的掠夺式利用。三是我国畜产品生产需求增长与生态功能保护需求的矛盾愈加突出。在草地资源开发利用中"重用轻养"的失误既阻碍了我国草地畜牧业的现代化进程,更加剧了我国草地生产功能与生态服务的冲突。所以,在我国人口趋多、耕地趋少、粮食趋紧、畜产品消费趋增的态势下,充分利用占国土面积41%的草地资源,建立生态保护约束下的草地资源利用模式,协调草地生态系统的生产功能和生态服务关系,是解决我国耕地资源不足、维护我国生态安全的重要途径。 Multi-functionality of grassland ecosystem implies that the rangeland not only produces many kinds of goods but also provides a set of ecological functions and services. This includes goods such as animal meat, wool, milk and fur, forage and biomass fuels, the services such as the water and soil conservation, the maintenance of biodiversity and life-support functions, intangible aesthetic and cultural benefits. A healthy production function and ecosystem services. ecosystem should have a harmonious existence of Yanshan Mountains- Luliang Mountains -Qinling Mountains -Tibetan Plateau. This region has poor natural conditions and fragile ecosystem. And thus, the grassland plays two important roles in ensuring the development of animal husbandry and maintaining the ecological safety of China. Since 1949, the only goal of Chinese' s government is to gain the maximum food products for solving a wide-reaching food shortage of China and until the 1990' s the ecosystem functions and services of grassland weren' t paid any attentions. And then the service degradation occurred popularly owing to the over-exploitation of grassland and the ecological functions and services were damaged seriously. The balance of grassland ecosystem was broken which resulted in the conflict between the product function and ecological function of grassland. In fact three causes resulted in the function conflict. Firstly, the government' s "food for the program" policy has led to the reclamation of the large tracts of grassland and the area of good natural grassland decreased greatly meanwhile the structure and function degradation of grassland ecosystem appeared. Secondly, the lack of investment for reproduction and management, the output of the nutrient and energy was greater than the input in grassland ecosystem in a long term so that the ecological balance of grassland and the ecological functions were destroyed, such as loss of check winds and sand fixation and water conservation. The fundamental cause of insufficient investment lies in the separation of grassland ownership from managerial authority. In China, the grassland is the state-owned and the herdsmen have the managerial authority. No powerful policy limits the herdsmen' s behavior and thus, the over-grazing and grassland deterioration becomes ineluctable. Thirdly, there is a serious conflict between the demand growth of animal products and environmental protection in the period of urbanizing acceleration. With the increase of urbanizing rate the more the animal foods consumed and the more grass forage is needed while the degraded grassland should be rehabilitated. So China has to face this kind of conflict in the future. The errors for seeking after maximum production function hinder the modem proceeding of animal husbandry on the one hand, while on the other hand, prick up the conflict between the production function and ecological services of rangeland ecosystem. In face of the population growth, arable land decrease, high animal food demand, the grassland resources should play an important role in maintaining the food safety of China. Three aspects need to be done recently to coordinate multiple functions of grassland ecosystem , including : 1 ) making the harmonious policy of animal husbandry development and grassland environment protection, 2) optimizing management of multiple objectives and multiple functions of rive management and market system to exploit the grassland, and 3) combining the administrative management and market system to exploit the grassland resources.
出处 《自然资源学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第10期1685-1696,共12页 Journal of Natural Resources
基金 国家科技支撑计划重点项目中国可持续发展功能分区技术开发(2006038053001)
关键词 草地资源利用 生产功能 生态功能 冲突与协调 grassland resources utilization product function ecological function conflict and coordination
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