
含原因状语从句的英语复合句命题表征项目顺序特点 被引量:2

Item Order Characteristics of Proposition Representations of English Causational Clauses
摘要 采用句子-图画验证任务(sentence-picture verification task)探讨了英语母语者理解含原因状语从句的英语复合句所形成的命题表征项目顺序特点。结果表明,无论含原因状语从句的英语复合句的语言表达顺序如何,英语母语者阅读后所建构的命题表征中项目顺序均为"结果→原因"。本研究结果初步表明,英语母语者理解含原因状语从句的英语复合句是一个按照"结果→原因"固定方向进行系列加工的认知过程。 This paper describes the experiment designed to examine the item order of proposition representations of English causational clauses,using sentence-picture verification task.It is found that English native language readers tend to build up their proposition representations for compound sentences in the form of 'effect→cause' order,no matter what order in the causational clauses is used.This result indicates that English readers probably have a series of cognitive processing according to inherent directionality of 'effect→cause' when they read English causational clauses.
出处 《华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期44-47,共4页 Journal of South China Normal University:Social Science Edition
基金 广东省教育科学"十一五"规划项目"留学生汉语句子阅读过程中句法和语义作用的认知心理机制"(批准号:08SXQ002) 广东省高等教育教学改革工程项目"对外汉语及汉语言专业实验平台建设与实验教学改革研究"(批准号:BKYBJG20060223)
关键词 原因状语从句 英语复合句 命题表征 项目顺序 句子-图画验证任务 causational clause English compound sentences proposition representations item order sentence-picture verification task
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