

Generalized model for software functional size measurement
摘要 功能规模度量(FSM)方法通过量化用户功能需求(FUR)而得到软件功能规模。针对不同的功能规模度量方法都是使用不同的抽象来描述一个软件系统的问题,提出了一种通用的FSM模型。根据软件系统的抽象模型,首先对度量所涉及的数据组和事务进行了泛化,然后以IFPUGFPA为例详细说明了该通用模型和FPA之间的转换过程,最后给出了度量过程的算法描述。 Functional Size Measurement (FSM) methods obtain the functional size of software systems by quantifying the Functional User Requirements (FUR). Since different FSM methods use distinct abstractions to depict a software system, a generalized model was proposed. According to the generalized abstraction of the software system, data groups and transactions involved in the measurement process were generalized at first. And then an example of IFPUG FPA was given in order to interpret the transformation and mapping of Function Point Analysis to the generalized model. Finally, the algorithm description of the measurement process was presented.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第11期3107-3109,3113,共4页 journal of Computer Applications
关键词 功能规模度量 泛化 用户功能需求 功能点分析 外部接口文件 Functional Size Measurement (FSM) generalization Functional User Requirement (FUR) Function Point Analysis (FPA) External Interface File (EIF)
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