
文化对机组资源管理的影响 被引量:6

The Impact of Culture on Crew Resource Management
摘要 针对国内民航机组资源管理(CRM)及训练中忽视文化的作用和影响的现状,在调研和分析国外CRM与文化影响的基础上,笔者结合国内民航的运行特点,总结、分析了民族文化、组织文化,以及职业文化对机组协作与配合,CRM训练等方面的积极与消极影响,提出中国民航应根据自身的文化特点调整CRM训练的内容和实施方式,并应从3个层面采取措施来提高CRM及其训练的效果,即航空公司CRM训练的设计、实施与评估;飞机制造商在进行驾驶舱人-机界面设计,以及政府部门在对航空器进行适航审定时,应充分识别不同文化的差异、在强化各种文化类型积极影响的同时,努力降低或消除其消极影响。 Aimed at the current situation that the role and impact of culture on crew resource management(CRM) and its training in civil aviation in China is neglected, and with consideration on the operational characteristics of civil aviation in China, the positive and negative effects of national culture, organizational culture and professional culture of airline pilots on coordination, cooperation and CRM are reviewed and analyzed on the basis of the investigation of the effect of CRM and culture at abroad. It is suggested that China civil aviation should adjust the contents and implementing way of CRM training according to the characteristics of national culture and organizational culture of China. Finally, 3 strategies to enhance CRM are presented, namely, adequately recognizing cultural differences, reinforcing the positive effect of different kinds of cultures, and trying to reduce or alleviate their adverse effect when airlines design, implement, and evaluate CRM training, aircraft manufacturer designs the human-computer interface in cockpit, and civil aviation authority performs airworthy certification for aircraft.
出处 《中国安全科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第9期167-171,共5页 China Safety Science Journal
基金 中国民用航空局软科学项目(MHRKX200560)
关键词 民航 民族文化 组织文化 职业文化 机组资源管理(CRM) 航线运行安全审计 飞行安全 civil aviation national culture organizational culture professional culture crew resource management(CRM) line operations safety audit flight safety
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