

Stochastic Delay Lotka-Volterra Model
摘要 该文揭示了关于生物动态过程中的一类重要的模型,随机时滞Lotka-Volterra模型的渐近行为,这种随机过程的解具有很好的逼近性质:如,解的轨道估计,渐近性质,而且它的解还具有随机有界性. This paper examines the asymptotic behaviour of the stochastic extension of a fundamentally important population process,namely,the delay Lotka-Volterra model.The stochastic version of this process appears to have some intriguing properties such as pathwise estimation and asymptotic moment estimation.Indeed,their solutions are stochastically ultimately bounded.
出处 《数学物理学报(A辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期1246-1255,共10页 Acta Mathematica Scientia
基金 武汉科技大学科学基金(2008XY21)资助
关键词 BROWNIAN运动 Itos公式 LOTKA-VOLTERRA模型 随机有界性 渐近性质 Brownian motion Itos formula Lotka-Volterra Model Moment boundedness Asymptotic behaviour
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