
心理理论神经机制研究中的整合 被引量:2

Integration in the Study of Neural Mechanisms of Theory of Mind
摘要 从脑与理论两个方面系统地介绍了过去心理理论神经机制探索领域中已获得的趋于统一的研究成果,目的在于为将来的研究提供一个可参考的依据.从研究结果可以看出,心理理论生理机制的探讨主要集中在额叶和颞叶皮层,领域中现有的两个理论双加工成分说和拟化理论,双方在神经机制上出现了惊人的统一性. Neural mechanisms of theory of mind (TOM) which is considered as one of the most important social skills become attractive recently. Current paper reviews unitive research findings focusing on the neural mechanisms of ToM from the perspective of brain and theories respectively and the aim is to support reference for future studies. The results indicated that the center of neural mechanisms of ToM was located in frontal and temporal cortex; perfect neural unifications of two theories, dual-process-components and simulation theory, were suggested.
出处 《西南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期76-81,共6页 Journal of Southwest China Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 心理理论 双加工成分说 拟化理论 神经机制 theory of mind(ToM) dual-process-components theory simulation theory neural mechanism
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