
荀子推类思想探析 被引量:1

On Xunzi's Idea of Analogy
摘要 在中国逻辑传统中,根据事物或现象的同异,而进行的以类推之的推类,是中国古人经常运用的一种推理论说形式和思维方法。集诸子百家之成而独树一帜的荀子,在谈说论辩的思维实践中,继承了前人关于"类"和"推类"思想的研究成果,提出了"所缘以同异"的类概念认识,从"物各从其类"展开对类概念的考察,并通过关于"正名"的阐述,全面地论述了"譬称以喻之"、"推礼义之统"、"举统类而应之"、"推类而不悖"等推类思想,从而使推类思想在中国逻辑传统中更加繁丽多姿。 In the tradition of Chinese logic, the and differences of things is often used by analogy carded out according to similarities the ancient Chinese as a form of reasoning and thinking. Xunzi, who inherited and summarized the ideas of his predecessors and formed his unique theories, proposed on the basis of previous ideas his own understanding of"type" and "analogy". First, Xunzi's idea of analogy based on the notion of"type" arranges the same or similar things into classes in the light of similarities and differences of things or phenomena. Xunzi thinks that things of a kind all share certain commonalities. Though everything in the world is different from each other, its attributes can be apprehended by senses. People can see shapes and colours of things in their eyes, tell the differences between sounds through ears and taste things by tongue. Though all the five sense organs function as having contact with the outside world, they can't substitute each other because they function differently. The main thinking organ of human being is the "heart", which is capable of verifying things. Therefore senses are able to sort out the same or similar things into classes. Secondly, Xunzi believes that everything is brought to existence by certain causes and conditions. He reveals the causal relation- ship between things and phenomena, and points out that "type" is the nature of things which similarities and differences of things depend on. Everything follows its own rules. Thirdly, Xunzi proposes a comprehensive and consistent idea of analogy. He thinks that things of the same shape but of different natures are in fact two different objects though they look like the same. We should grasp the idea of analogy that difference can be found in similar things and understand and regulate things through analysis and synthesis. Fourthly, Xunzi believes that the correct use of language is a necessary condition for maintaining good social order and harmony. The content of a name must conform to the object it represents. Confusions that arise because the name and the object does not conform to each other and the nature of things is distorted must be corrected.Only if the name accords with the object can we make effective and sound analogies. In conclusion, Xunzi's idea of analogy, especially his method of comprehending things from a holistic perspective, has great methodological significance in the aspects of important scientific inventions and literature creation in ancient China.
作者 张晓光
出处 《逻辑学研究》 2009年第3期76-87,共12页 Studies in Logic
关键词 荀子 推类
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