The areas of sandy desert and Gobi in Gansu Province are added up to 14 million hectares. In the practice of sand control and the development of sandy area, fruit tree planting has gradually shown its significant position and developing advantange. The fruit tree resources in the sandy areas of Gansu Province relate to 8 families, 19 genus and 65 species or their varieties, which basically consist of most North China defoliated fruits trees and species of arid sandy area such as H. rhamnoides Subsp sinensis, Almond, N. roborowsrii Kom etc. According to the climate and soil in the sandy area, the superior fruit tree species are as follows: (1) Pear: Pear is the first selected fruit tree owing to its strong resistance against chill and coldness and wide adaptability. The main superior species include Jinfen pear, Apple pear, Dansansu pear, Zhaosu pear etc. All above pears must be widely planted. Besides, newly developed species such as Daci pear of Jilin Province, 80-2-2 (late matured), Early 6 and 82-10-20, 81-14-58 of Gansu Province, Jinyou 1 should be introduced. Meanwhile, fruit industry base where has high yield and good quality fruit, ought to be established in convenient transportation area. (2) Apple: It is important to choose species that have strong resistance against chill and cold, and medium-late species. Red Delicious, Starking, Longfuji 2, Stone-Fuji 10, Sunflower etc. are suggested to be the best choices in the sandy area. Some new and good species such as 20-217, Hokaido 9, Huasuai and Mollies should be also introduced. (3) Grape: Gansu sandy area is a good place for developing superior grapes because there has abundant heat and sunshine for grape growth. According to long time experience, the best species are Blue French, Cabernet Gemishet, Pinot Noir, Riesling and Pinot Gris. (4) Apricot and Chinese Date: Apricots and dates are very special in Gansu sandy area. Apricots and dates industry base must be established. Minshan date, Linze date, Minqin date, Liguang apricot, Dajie apricot etc. are among the first choices. Moreover, Elaeagnus angustifolia, H. rhamnoides Subsp sinensis, N. roborowskii Kom and L. barbarum are special fruits in the sandy area and are of great medicinal value and nutritive value. Therefore, we should try our best to develop the fruits and establish processing base.
Journal of Desert Research