Macrobenthos investigation was carried out at 10 stations in Shenhu Bay in January, April 2006 and August in 2008. Brey' s (1990) empirical formula was used to calculate the secondary production and P/B ratio of macrobenthos according to macrobenthos biomass and abundance obtained in Shenhu Bay. The results showed that the mean annum secondary production and P/B ratio were O. 599g (AFDW)/( m2- a) and 1. 561 respectively. The macrobenthic biomass and secondary production was the highest in the bottom, the second in the bay center and the lowest in the bay opennings. Compared the data of other bays and estuaries,it is concluded that the ecological trait of macrobenthic community structure was lower in density, biomass and secondary production, but higher in species diversity index. Such characters might be due to small area, stronger hydrodynamics and sandy sediments of Shenhu Bay.
Journal of Oceanography In Taiwan Strait