Aquatic environments have been postulated to contribute over half of the total global methane flux to the atmosphere. Most investigations of methane emissions from aquatic ecosystems concentrated on rice paddies, salt marshes and freshwater swamps, litile attention is focused on the lake, so data on methane flux from (especially Taiwan) lakes are scarce. We do not know of any methane measurements, either on concentration or on flux, for lakes in Taiwan. So this study focuses on evaluating the methane emissions from lakes in Taiwan.Data were collected by two methods. One was the collection chamber technique. In an area with easy access, we used a plastic chamber to collect methane. From the change of the methane concentation with time, the methane emission rate was calculated. The other method was to calculate the methane emission rate from the methane concentration gradient between the air and water. The results from these two methods differ by one order of magnitude.The methane emission from the alpine lakes was controlled by the water property, emission rates were generally low, from 0.002-1.2mg / (m2. h)(averaging about 0.07mg / (m2. h)). The alpine lakes roughly emit 200kg of methane to the atmosphere every year. The methane emission from the lakes and reservoirs located below 1 500m showed larger variations than the alpine lakes. The average methane emission rate was about 0.11mg / (m2. h). Multiplying by 10 000 hectares, the surface area of all lakes / reserviors located below 1 500m, 1.1×105kg of methane is emitted per year from the lakes and reserviors in Taiwan.In conclusion, the methane emissions from Taiwan lakes are 0.51-0.95mg/ (m2. a), totally the lakes emit 1.1×105kg of methane to the atmosphere every year. Compared with other emission souces the lakes have fairly low methan endssions. It is evident that the lakes are one of the minor sources of methane emission in Taiwan.
Oceanologia Et Limnologia Sinica