2Brief on Remedy of Amici Curiae Computer and Communications Industry Association and Software and Information Industry Association, http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/msdoj/amicus5-19-00.htm.
3Remedies Brief of Amici Curiae, http://www.econ.yale.edu/~nordhaus/homepage/Amicus%20brief%20port.htm.
4Brief of Professor Lawrence Lessig as Amicus Curiae, http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/works/lessig/ab.pdf.
5Brief of Professor Lee A Hollaar as Amicus Curiae in Support of Neither Side, http://digital-law-online.info/papers/lah/ms-amicus.pdf.
6Rule 37 of the Supreme Court of the U.S., http://www.supremecourtus.gov/ctrules/rulesofthecourt.pdf.
7Wayne W. Schmidt, History, purpose and Philosophy of Amieus Advocacy: The AELE Amieus Brief Program, 见http://www.aele.org/history.html.
8Appeals Court Opinion in USA v. Microsoft, June 28, 2001, 见http://www.techlawjoumal.com/courts/dojvmsft2a/20010628op.asp.
9Rule 37(1) of the Supreme Court of the U.S., 见http://www.supremecourtus.gov/ctrules/rulesofthecourt.pdf.
10Amicus Curiae Brief Of Association Of Attomey-Mediators,见 http://www.attomey-mediators.org/amicus1 .html.