
循环系统病例DRGs组合支付标准研究 被引量:1

Study on the combined payment standards for DRGs of circulatory system diseases
摘要 目的探讨诊断相关组(DRGs)支付标准的合理性,为制定DRGs支付标准提供参考。方法以某三级甲等医院2003年至2005年入院的循环系统病例的DRGs分组结果为依据.选择两个有代表性的组合,在剔除不必要的医疗服务费用基础上,制定各DRGs组合支付标准。结果按照不必要医疗费用所占比例,心绞痛、无特级护理和一级护理组,例均不必要医疗费用为758.00元;冠状动脉造影及(或)单个支架植入术、主诊断为急性心肌梗死组,例均不必要医疗费用为2814.03元;两组不必要医疗费用占总住院费用的6.20%。结论采用去除不合理费用后的平均费用作为组合支付标准,可以促使医院自觉约束不必要医疗服务行为,减少不必要的医疗支出。 Objective Probing into the rationale of DRGs payment standards for references to making DRGs payment standards. Methods Based on the DRGs grouping results of circulatory diseases cases admitted by a tertiary hospital from 2003 to 2005, two typical combinations were selected to determine the payment standard for each DRGs combinatiorL Unnecessary medical expenses were excluded. Results According to the percentage of unnecessary medical expenses, Angina, non-special nursing, and class 1 nursing were in a group, with unnecessary medical expenses per case of 758.00 yuan; CAG, single stent implantation, acute myocardial infraction as the main diagnose were in a group, with medical expenses per case of 2814.03 yuan; such expenses account for 6.20% of the total hospitalization expenses of both groups. Conclusions If the average expenses with unnecessary medical expenses excluded are set as the combined payment standard, hospitals will be restrained from unnecessary medical behaviors and expenses so incurred.
作者 杨晓蓉 吴明
出处 《中华医院管理杂志》 北大核心 2009年第11期760-763,共4页 Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration
关键词 DRGS 医疗服务 费用 支付标准 DRGs Medical services Expenses Payment standards
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