
经济社会权利“最低核心义务”的概念分析 被引量:3

Concept Analysis of "Minimal Core Obligation" of Economic and Social Rights
摘要 为了解决经济和社会权利实施所面临的困难和挑战,经济、社会和文化权利委员会提出了"最低核心义务"的概念。这一概念是对"逐渐实现"的义务的反思,它承认经济和社会权利的某些要素为国家创造了一种立即实现的义务,这种义务不受"逐渐实现"的义务的限制,并以此作为评估政府义务的基础。委员会正是通过"最低核心义务"来强调政府实施权利的必要的步骤,以此来规避确定权利内容的困难问题。对最低核心义务的界定主要借助于两个被广泛使用的分析框架:一个是尊重、保护和实现的义务,一个是行为义务与结果义务。对最低核心义务概念应从多维视角加以理解,它既包括尊重、保护和实现的义务,也包括行为义务与结果义务,是一种多维度的义务体系。 Committee of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights raised the concept of "minimal core obligation" in order to solve the difficulties and challenges from carrying out economic and social rights. The concept embodies a rethinking of the obligation of "gradual realization" and admits that some factors of economic and social rights create for state a kind of obligation which can be realized immediately. The obligation is not restricted by "gradual realization" and regarded as the basis to evaluate government obligation. The committee definitely highlighted the necessary steps of government' s conducting its rights through emphasizing "minimal core obligation", so as to avoid troubles of defining rights contents. The author employed two widely-used criteria to define the minimal core obligation, that is, obligations of respect and protection and realization, as well as action obligation and result obligation. Therefore, we should understand the concept from various perspectives, and it covers obligation of respect, protection and realization, and action obligation and result obligation as well, becoming a multi-dimensional obligation system.
作者 张雪莲
机构地区 东南大学法学院
出处 《学术交流》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第10期49-53,共5页 Academic Exchange
基金 国家社会科学基金项目<社会权的可诉性及其程度--理念 制度与运作>(07CFX010)的阶段性成果
关键词 最低核心义务 经济社会权利 概念分析 minimal core obligation economic and social rights concept analysis
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