
拓扑群中广义度量性质的一个注记 被引量:7

A Note on Generalized Metrizable Properties in Topological Groups
摘要 主要讨论拓扑群中的一些广义度量性质.证明了对于拓扑群G和G的局部紧度量子群H,如果商群G/H是层空间(半层空间,k半层空间,σ空间),则G也是层空间(半层空间,k半层空间,σ空间),这肯定回答了Arhangel'skii A.V.和Uspenskij V.V.提出的一个问题.同时还讨论了弱拟第一可数的,不含S_ω的闭拷贝的仿拓扑群. This paper is concerned with some generalized metrizable properties in topological groups. It is proved that for a topological group G and a locally compact metrizable subgroup H of G, if the quotient space G/H is stratifiable (resp. semi-stratifiable, k-semi-stratifiable, a σ-space) then the space G is stratifiable (resp. semi-stratifiable, k- semi-stratifiable, a σ-space), which gives an affirmative answer to a question raised by Arhangel'skii A. V. and Uspenskij V. V.. Also the authors discuss the N0-weakly firstcountable paratopological groups which contain no closed copies of Sω.
作者 沈荣鑫 林寿
出处 《数学年刊(A辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期697-704,共8页 Chinese Annals of Mathematics
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.10571151) 福建省自然科学基金(No.2009J01013)资助的项目
关键词 拓扑群 仿拓扑群 弱拟第一可数空间 层空间 Topological groups, Paratopological groups, NO-weakly firstcountable spaces, Stratifiable spaces
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