The photosynthesis productive potential, sunlight -temperature productive potential, sunlight -temperature - water productive potential, sunlight - temperature - soil productive potential and sunlight - temperature - water - soil productive potential of winter wheat, summer corn and cotton in Ukan - Kuqa fiver delta oasis were calculated and analyzed using the revised dynamic statistic model of crop growth. The results showed that the sunlight -temperature productive potentials are much higher than realistic productive powers of these three plants in this area, which are 161.06% ,134.15% and 196.71% of their realistic productive power respectively, and this area is rich in sunlight - hot resources. The sunlight - temperature - soil productive potentials are similar to the realistic productive powers of these three plant s in this region, which are 80.40%, 66.97% and 98.20% of their realistic productive powers , and the soil fertility is an important restrictive factor of cotton growing. The sunlight -temperature- water productive potential and sunlight -temperature -water- soil productive potential are much lower than their realistic productive power of these three plants in this oasis, and they are on ly10.36% and 5.17% ,,8.63% and 4.31%, 12.68% and 6.31% of their realistic productive powers respectively, and water is the most important factor restricting the climate productive potential. The sunIight and heat conditions in Ukan - Kuqa river delta oasis are the most out standing advantages for climatic productive potential, and soil water and soil fertility are main controllable factors restricting the climate productive potential. The effective way of the implementation of main corps's potential productivities in Ukan - Kuqa river delta oasis is to improve soil water and soil fertility condition in this region.
Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment