
福建省农民工回乡创业的调查与思考 被引量:17

An investigation on peasant workers returning home to start their own business in Fujian
摘要 通过对福建省农民工回乡创业的实地调研和问卷调查,分析了福建省农民工回乡创业的现状与特点,以及农民工回乡创业给福建新农村建设带来的经济社会效应,指出了福建省农民工回乡创业过程中所面临的主要困难和问题,最后提出了进一步鼓励、引导和扶持农民工回乡创业的政策建议:(1)各级政府要统一思想认识,高度重视农民工回乡创业这一客观现象;(2)切实为农民工回乡创业提供优质服务,优化创业环境;(3)创新农村金融服务,解决农民工创业融资难题;(4)对回乡创业农民工进行创业指导和创业培训;(5)以县城为中心搞好小城镇发展规划,加强基础设施建设;(6)以情招商,采取多种形式把有创业意愿和创业能力的农民工"请回来;"(7)立足当前,着眼未来,采取多种渠道逐步解决人才问题;(8)大力宣传回乡农民工创业的先进事迹,不断激发创业热情。 According to on-the-spot investigation and questionnaire, the current status and characteristics of peasant workers returning home to start their own business in Fujian are analyzed, its economic and social effects on new countryside construction in Fujian are proved, the difficulties and problems in it are pointed out, and finally the policies to encourage, guide and support peasant workers returning home to start their own business are proposed as follows. ( 1 ) Governments at different levels should reach a consensus and attach the importance to the phenomenon og peasant workers returning home to start their own business. ( 2 ) Well serve the peasant workers returning home to start their own business and improve the environment of their business. ( 3 ) Innovate rural finance to facilitate the peasants' business funding. (4) Conduct the training of the peasant workers returning home to start their own business. ( 5 ) Taking city as the center to develop towns and their infrastructure.( 6 ) In rite the peasant workers who are willing to return home and able to start their own business in various approaches. (7) Bring up talents in various ways for present and future undertakings.( 8 ) Publicize the advanced peasant workers' exemplary deeds about their returning home to start their own business, so as to inspire others' enthusiasm.
作者 刘唐宇
出处 《福建农林大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2009年第5期16-23,共8页 Journal of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 福建省邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想研究中心2008年资助项目(B19)
关键词 福建省 农民工 回乡创业 调查 Fujian peasant workers returning home to start their own business investigation
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