
基于人均延误最小的干线交叉口协调配时优化 被引量:3

An Optimal Method for Signal Coordination on Arterial Streets Aiming
摘要 为了提高干线协调控制在国内混合交通流条件下的交通运行综合效率,以干线中小汽车、公交车和自行车为研究对象,提出了综合考虑上述3种车型通行效率的干线交通信号协调控制的配时优化模型与算法。模型的研究从出行者的角度分析干线协调的延误,以干线人均延误最小建立了目标函数,并设计启发式算法进行计算,从而获得目标函数的优化值。为了验证提出的干线协调配时优化方法的有效性,选取南京洪武北路上的干线协调交叉口为实例进行验证,通过在Vissim中建立实际干线协调控制路段的空间模型并采用提出的优化方法进行配时,发现在不同车型组成比例条件下,人均延误最多减少了11.4%。结果显示,该模型能够有效地提高混合交通流条件下的干线交通运行综合效率。 In order to improve the comprehensive efficiency of traffic operation under an arterial signal coordination control system and mixed traffic condition in China, this paper, focusing on cars, buses and bicycles, proposed a new arterial signal coordination model and solution algorithm which addresses the operation efficiency of the above three type vehicles. The arterial coordination control delay from the perspective of traveler was analyzed, an objective function minimi- zing the average total delay per person was established and the optimized result was obtained by heuristic algorithm. In or- der to verify the effectiveness of this optimal method, the arterial coordination control sections on Hongwu North Road in Nanjing as an example were modeled by using the software Vissim and optimized by the method proposed in this paper. It was found that the largest reduction of average total delay per person reached 11.4 % under different traffic volumes which contain different ratios of mixed traffic in this example. The study concludes that the proposed optimal method can effectively improve the efficiency of traffic operation under an arterial coordination control system.
作者 徐铖铖 陈峻
出处 《交通信息与安全》 2009年第5期33-37,43,共6页 Journal of Transport Information and Safety
基金 "863"国家高技术研究发展计划项目(批准号:2008AA11Z201) 国家自然科学基金重点项目(批准号:0738001)资助
关键词 干线协调控制 混合交通流 相位差 人均延误 VISSIM arterial coordination control mixed traffic flow offset average total delay per person Vissim
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