7James W. Dearing, and Everett M. Rogers, Agenda-setting, Sage Publications, 1996, pp. 2、1.
8国内一些传播学著作认为,“议题设置”理论的核心思想在于,大众传播媒介不能决定公众怎样想,但能决定公众想什么。这些著作忽略了该理论的最新发展。实际上,早在1992年,麦库姆斯与肖的研究就对议题设置的核心思想做了新的表述,可参见M. E. MeCombs, Explorers and Surveyors:Expanding Strategise for Agenda-setting Research, Joumalism Quarterly 69,1993,pp.813-824.
10M.E. McCombs and D. L. Shaw, The Evolution of Agenda-setting Research: Twenty-five Years in the Marketplace of Ideas, Journal of Communication 43,1993, pp. 58-67.