目的探讨肾上腺髓质素(Adrenom edullin,AM)及AM受体阻断剂(AM22-52)对人卵巢癌细胞株CAOV3蛋白激酶B(PKB)活性的影响。方法以不同浓度的AM和AM22-52诱导CAOV3细胞,利用Western印迹方法,测定PKB活性的变化。结果AM和AM受体阻断剂AM22-52对t-PKB(total-PKB)的表达量均无明显影响;随着AM浓度(1×10-9~1×10-6mol/L)的增加,CAOV3细胞p-PKB活性随之升高,呈剂量依赖关系;AM受体阻断剂AM22-52(1×10-9~1×10-6mol/L)抑制CAOV3细胞内p-PKB活性,也呈剂量依赖效应。结论AM激活CAOV3细胞内的PKB信号通路,AM22-52可有效阻滞此传导途径,为卵巢癌的生物治疗提供新的思路。
Objective To explore the effects of adrenomedullin (AM) and AM receptor inhibitor (AM22-52) on the activity of the protein kinase B (PKB) in human ovarian epithelial cancer cell line CAOV3. Methods The activity of PKB in CAOV3 cells induced by different concentration of AM and AM22-52 was detected by Western blot. Results There was no obvious difference for the expression of total-PKB (t-PKB) between control group and experiment groups (AM group or AM22-52 group). AM (1 × 10^-9 - 1 × 10^-6mol/L) could improve the activity of p-PKB in CAOV3 significantly, AM22-52 (1× 10^-9~ 1 × 10^-6mol/L) could suppress the activity of p-PKB, and both with a dose-dependent manner ( P 〈0.05). Conclusion The results of activation of PKB signal pathway by AM in CAOV3 and inhibition of the signal pathway by AM22-52 might provide a new route for the treatment of ovarian cancer.
Progress of Anatomical Sciences