Objective To study the morphological characteristics and distribution rule of the moderator band and right bundle branch in right ventricle of bovine heart and to accumulate data for comparative anatomy and theriatrics. Methods Twenty-four fresh bovine hearts were studied with gross anotomy and ink was peffused to display the conduction system of the right ventricle. The shape and distribution of the various structures of the right ventricle were observed and measured by vernier caliper and analyzed by SPSSI4.0 statistics soft. Results Moderator band mostly showed fiat cylindrical appearance (90.5%), the length of it was (45.48 ± 1.32)mm, the maximunl diameter was (3.78 ± 1.54)mm, the minimum diameter was (2.55 ± 1.26)mm, the length of the right bundle branch was (65.52 ± 20.78)mm and the diameter of it was (1.45 ±0.56)mm. One bovine-heart with double moderator bands was observed . The distribution of Purkinje fibers was most crowded in Ⅰ and Ⅱ quadrant, hut less in Ⅲ quadrant and least in Ⅳ quadrant. Conclusion The morphous of moderator band of bovine heart is similar to other mammals, with right bundle branch passing and Purkinje fibers distributing on the surface.
Progress of Anatomical Sciences