Objective To investigate the effects of UVB irradiation and intervention of EGCG on protein expression levels of XPA (xeroderma pigmentosum group A) and ERCC1 (Excision Repair Cross Complementing)in human primary keratinocytes, Methods Human primary KC were irradiated with various doses of UVB and treated with EGCG . Western blot assay was used to measure protein expression levels of XPA and ERCC1 at different time spots. Results Protein expression levels of XPA and ERCC1 after UVB irradiation gradually increased and reached the peak at the 4 hours. And the protein level deceased to normal level at 24 hours. Inhibitory effect of EGCG against UVB radiationinduced XPA and ERCC1 expression can be observed. Conclusion Protein expression of XPA and ERCC1 induced by UVB irradiation were time-dependent and dosage-dependent in human primary KC. EGCG can inhibit the changes of XPA and ERCC1 expression and have photo-protective effect.
Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine