

Study on Priority Method for Maintenance Decision of Electric Apparatus
摘要 针对电气设备在进行以可靠性为中心的维修时需要评判电气设备的重要性,且评判因素具有模糊性和灰色性的特点,本文在确定影响其重要性的主要因素的基础上,提出了一种基于灰色模糊数学的电气设备重要性分析方法,并以断路器为例,建立了断路器重要性评价体系,通过模糊关系来描述评判因素与重要性等级间的关系、以灰度来表征模糊关系的不可信程度,并进行综合判断。实例表明:该方法行之有效,评判结果可为下一步的维修决策提供科学依据。 Aiming at the characteristics that the evaluation factors of electric apparatus are fuzzy and grey in the reliability-centered maintenance (RCM) ,through determining the main factors influencing its importance,this paper proposes a method to analyze the importance of electric apparatus based on the grey fuzzy math. And taking the circuit breaker as an example,it establishes the evaluation system for importance,and expresses the relations between evaluation factors and importance grade by the fuzzy relation, and expresses the unbelievable degree of fuzzy relations by the grey degree. The results show that this method is feasible and effective,and the evaluation results can be used as a scientific basis for further maintenance decisions.
作者 黄瑞萍 夏莹
出处 《技术经济》 2009年第10期69-73,共5页 Journal of Technology Economics
关键词 以可靠性为中心的维修 重要性分析 灰色模糊综合评判 断路器 reliability-centered maintenance importance analysis grey fuzzy comprehensive evaluation circuit breaker
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