
一个优美而机智的“整一”:生态视野中的“忽必烈汗” 被引量:7

One Graceful and Intelligent Whole:"Kubla Khan" from Ecological Perspective
摘要 从生态视角解读"忽必烈汗"文本里的众多"不一",可以说明它只是表面上的未竟之作,其实诗人正是通过种种"不一"而实现思想与艺术上的"整一"。诗人有意把象征人类中心主义的帝王"游乐宫"建立在一片沃土之上与圣河之边,凸显人类在资本主义时期蔑视自然、掠夺自然的残暴,如果长期如此人类只能遭到自然力量的颠覆和报复而最终走向冰窟;诗人把手扶古琴、唱着山歌的非洲少女与似乎毫不相干的蒙古大汗并置一起,说明人类只有尊重自然、聆听自然,才能真正"摄取蜜露"、"啜饮仙乳",进而构建理想的天堂。长诗片断"忽必烈汗"融众多"不一"于一体,构成了一个优美而机智的"整一",是其人与自然对立统一哲学观念的集中体现。 The usual lack of reference to Coleridge' s unity theory leads to the failure of attention to the ecological significance in Kubla Khan. The poem, which seems a fragment, is the result of his aptitude for entertaining at once perfectly incompatible positions. ‘Pleasure-dome' and ‘eaves of ice' , ‘sacred river' and ‘lifeless ocean' , ‘voices prophesying war' and‘ the milk of paradise' , and many other opposites in this poem suggest that the civilizing perfection of the Khan strives to create by exclusion, attempting to show that the ' savage' with its ' walls and towers' is doomed to failure. However, spiritual peace and rest only come from a deep respect for nature and an attitude of seeing all little things in one. Behind the disunity is Coleridge' s aspiration for the integrity and harmony of man' s relationship to society and nature as an absolute unity.
作者 鲁春芳
出处 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期109-116,共8页 Foreign Literature Studies
基金 浙江财经学院2007年校级重大课题【项目编号:2007YJZ16】 浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题"英国浪漫主义诗学的自然关怀"【项目编号:08CGWW008YB】的阶段性成果
关键词 “忽必烈汗” 自然 不一 整一 Kubla Khan nature disunity unity
  • 相关文献


  • 1Ball, Stefan.“Coleridge' s Ancestral Voices.”Contemporary Review 278.1624 (2001) : 296 - 98.
  • 2Beer,John. “Coleridge and Poetry : I.Poems of the supernatural.” Writers and Their Background: Coleridge. Ed. R. L. Brett. London: Bell, 1971. 45 -90.
  • 3Bloom, Harold. Modern Critical Views: Samuel Taylor Coleridge. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986.
  • 4Coleridge,S.T. Biographia Literaria. Ed. James Engell and Water Jackson Bate. 2 vols. Princeton : Princeton UP, 1983.
  • 5Collected Letters of Samuel Taylor Cleridge. Ed. E. L. Griggs. 6 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1956 -71.
  • 6Lectures 1808 - 1819 On Literature. Ed. R. A. Foakes. 2 vols. Princeton: Princeton UP,1987.
  • 7The Notebooks of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Ed. Kanthleen Cobum. 6 vols. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1957.
  • 8Table Talk. Ed. Carl Woodring. 2vols. Princeton : Princeton UP; London : Routledge, 1990.
  • 9Halmi, Nicholas, and Paul Magnuson. Coleridge' s Poetry and Prose. New York : W.W. Norton, 2004.
  • 10House, Humphry. “On Kubla Khan.” Coleridge: The Clark Lectures. London: Hart-Davis, 1962.114 -22.











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