
环戊二烯选择加氢生产环戊烯 被引量:2

Synthesis of Cyclopentene by Selective Hydrogenation of Cyclopentadienyl
摘要 以双环戊二烯为原料,经过解聚-精馏得到高纯度的环戊二烯,再以自制Ni/Al2O3为催化剂,对环戊二烯选择加氢制备环戊烯。对影响环戊二烯选择加氢的主要因素进行了研究。结果表明,控制反应温度35-45℃,氢气分压1.0-1.5 MPa,反应时间2 h左右,可实现环戊二烯的转化率〉97%,环戊烯的选择性大于95%。 Using dicyclopentadiene as raw material, pure cyclopentadienyl was synthesized by depolymerization and rectify , then using Ni/Al2O3 as catalyst , cyclopentene was prepared by selective hydrogenation of cyclopentadienyl. Influence factors of selective hydrogenation of cyclopentadienyl were studied. The results show that hydroreaction temperature is 35-45℃, hydrogen pressure is 1.0-1.5 MPa, reaction time is 2 h, conversion of cyclopentadienyl is above 97% and the selectivity of cyclopentene is also above 95% .
出处 《辽宁化工》 CAS 2009年第10期705-706,733,共3页 Liaoning Chemical Industry
关键词 双环戊二烯 环戊二烯 环戊烯 选择催化加氢 Dicyclopentadiene Cyclopentadienyl Cyclopentene Selective hydrogenateon
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