无线传感器网络是综合了传感器、微机电、网络及无线通讯等技术的一种全新信息获取和处理技术。Z igbee是一种近距离小功率无线通讯协议,其低功耗、低成本、应用简单的特性正好是无线传感器网络需求的。在简要介绍CC2430的功能特点的基础上,对无线传感器网络节点的设计要点进行了阐述。由该节点组成的无线传感器网络功耗低、节点体积小,可以广泛地应用于远程监控、环境监测、移动医疗等领域。
Wireless sensor network, which is made by the convergence of sensor, MEMS, networks and wireless communications techniques, is a novel technology about acquiring and processing information. Zigbee is one low rate and short distance wireless transmission protocol. It is fit for WSN since it supports low power consumption, low price and facile applying feature; Following a brief introduction of the functional characteristics of the CC2430. The node' s key points of design are expatiated. The wireless sensor network composed by the nodes has low consumption and small size. It can be widely applied to various fields, such as remote control, environmental monitoring, and ambulant healthcare systems.
Journal of Hunan Industry Polytechnic