
乙型脑炎患儿脑脊髓液中IL-1β及IL-1ra的表达和意义 被引量:1

IL-1β and IL-lra contents in cerebrospinal fluid of children with Japanese encephalitis
摘要 目的研究流行性乙型脑炎患儿脑脊髓液中IL-1β和IL-1ra含量变化及临床意义。方法采用双抗体夹心酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)测定50例乙型脑炎患儿和20例非神经系统疾病患儿(对照)脑脊髓液中IL-1β和IL-1ra的含量。结果乙型脑炎患儿极期、恢复期及对照组患儿脑脊髓液中的IL-1β含量分别为(49.43±14.59)、(24.73±14.50)和(8.98±1.26)μg/L,差异具有统计学意义(F=79.88,P〈0.01);IL-1ra含量分别为(177.39±60.19)、(78.24±44.63)和(21.09±3.10)μg/L,差异也具有统计学意义(F=91.53,P〈0.01)。轻型、普通型和重型患儿极期和恢复期脑脊髓液中的IL-1β和IL-1ra含量比较差异具有统计学意义(极期:F=82.36、66.50,P值均〈0.01;恢复期:F=55.17、79.50,P值均〈0.01)。患儿脑脊髓液中的IL-1β和IL—1ra含量呈正相关(极期:r=0.815,t9〈0.01;恢复期:r=0.728,P〈0.01)。结论乙型脑炎患儿极期脑脊髓液中IL-1β和IL.1ra水平明显升高,与乙型脑炎病情严重程度密切相关,提示脑脊髓液中的IL-1β和IL-1ra参与了乙型脑炎脑损伤的病理过程。 Objective To investigate the contents of IL-1β and IL-lra in cerebrospinal fluid of children with Japanese encephalitis, and their clinical significance. Methods Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was employed to detect IL-1β and IL-lra contents in 50 children with Japanese encephalitis and 20 children without nervous system disease (controls). Results IL-113 contents in climax stage, convalescent stage and the controls were (49.43 ± 14. 59), (24. 73 ± 14. 50) and (8.98 ± 1.26)μg/L (F =79. 88, P 〈 0.01); IL-ra contents in climax stage, convalescent stage and the controls were (177.39 ±60. 19), (78.24 ±44.63) and (21.09 ±3.10)μg/L (F=91.53, P〈0.0t). There were significant differences on IL-1β and IL-1ra contents among children with mild, moderate and severe encephalitis ( climax: F =82. 36 and 66. 50, P 〈0. 01 ; convalescence: F =55. 17 and 79.50, P 〈0.01 ). IL-1β content was positively correlated with IL-lra in both climax and convalescent stages (climax: r = 0.815, P 〈 0.0t; convalescent: r = 0.728, P 〈 0.01 ). Conclusions IL-1β and IL-1ra contents in cerebrospinal fluid are significantly increased in children with Japanese encephalitis in climax stage, which are closely correlated with the disease severity. The two indicators may participate in the pathological process of brain damages with Japaness encephalitis.
出处 《中华临床感染病杂志》 CAS 2009年第5期277-280,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases
关键词 脑炎 日本 白细胞介素-1Β 白细胞介素-1受体拈抗剂 脑脊髓液 Japanese encephalitis Interleukin-1 beta Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist Cerebrospinal fluid
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