

A survey of wireless mesh networks security
摘要 无线mesh网络(wireless mesh networks,WMN)是下一代网络中的新型技术,和传统网络不同,它不依赖任何固定的设施,主机可以相互依赖保持网络连接,WISP可以利用它提供快速、简单、低廉的网络部署,然而存在一个主要的问题是容易遭受攻击。介绍了无线mesh网络的体系机构以及特点,分析并研究其存在的安全性威胁以及现有的关键安全解决机制。 Wireless mesh network (WMN) is a new type of next generation network technology. Unlike any traditional networks, it doesnt rely on any fixed infrastructure, and its hosts can rely on each other to keep the network connected. Wireless Internet service providers can use it to provide fast, easy and inexpensive network deployment. However, one main challenge in design of these networks is their vulnerability to security attacks. This paper introduces the architecture and the characteristics of wireless mesh network, and analyzes the threat to the safety and the key security mechanisms.
作者 刘源
出处 《数字通信》 2009年第5期88-91,共4页 Digital Communications and Networks
关键词 无线MESH网络 安全路由 安全认证 wireless mesh networks (WMN) secure routing secure authentication
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