
水库温室气体排放过程中若干问题的研究 被引量:11

Research on Process of Greenhouse Gas Emission from Reservoir
摘要 针对近几年水电的温室气体减排作用历年均存在的争议,介绍了水库温室气体排放的研究情况,并从水库温室气体的排放途径入手,就水库上游输入、水库沉积物—水界面、水库水—气界面及水库下游输出四方面阐述了水库温室气体排放的主要过程,为研究水库温室气体排放机制和估算水库温室气体净排放提供了参考。 Greenhouse gas emission from reservoir makes an international question to hydropower development in recent years. It attracts extensive discussions about the issue of greenhouse gas emission from reservoir in the academic community. The researches of greenhouse gas emission from reservoir were introduced from anti-dam organizations. According to the approaches of greenhouse gas emission,key processes of greenhouse gas emission from reservoir is expatiated. They are the input of upstream, sediment-water interface, water-air interface and the output of downstream, providing references for researching the mechanism of greenhouse gas production and estimating greenhouse gas net emission from reservoir. Finally.it carried on the forecast to the further research of greenhouse gas emissions from reservoir.
出处 《水电能源科学》 北大核心 2009年第5期37-39,189,共4页 Water Resources and Power
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50779028)
关键词 水库 温室气体 排放过程 二氧化碳 甲烷 reservoir greenhouse gas emission process carbon dioxide methane
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