
后京都时代气候变化协议缔约国义务配置研究 被引量:2

A Study on the Obligation Configuration in the Post-Kyoto Climate Change Protocol
摘要 《京都议定书》即将到期,后京都时代如何应对气候变化,缔约国义务如何配置,成为国际社会争论的焦点。消解美国等发达国家与新兴经济体的僵局,回应国际社会对于公平的呼吁,重新配置后京都时代各缔约国的义务被提上议事日程。因此,有必要重新解读共同但有区别的责任原则,以可持续发展原则和风险预防原则为指导,采用平等排放综合指标,创建附件I国家、新兴经济体和其它发展中国家及最不发达国家构成的三类缔约国义务配置模型,建立新兴经济体缓解基金,以保障实现《联合国气候变化框架公约》的目标。 Kyoto Protocol is about to expire. How to configure the obligations of the parties is becoming the focus of debate in the post-Kyoto era. Facing with increasingly urgent issues of climate deterioration, it is necessary to reconfigure the parties" obligations to relieve the deadlock between the new economic entities and such developed countries as USA. It is advisable to re interpret the common but differentiated responsibility principle and adopt a comprehensive equality emission credit under the principles of sustainable development and risk precaution. In order to realize the goal of the convention, a new system of obligation configuration should be established among the states of Annex I, new economic entities and non developed countries, and the assistance fund for new economic entities should be set up as well.
作者 孙法柏 丁丽
出处 《山东科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第5期16-22,共7页 Journal of Shandong University of Science and Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 教育部人文社科规划项目"国际环境法中的差别待遇研究"(08JC82007)
关键词 后京都时代 气候变化 缔约国义务配置 Post-Kyoto protocol climate change obligation configuration of the parties
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