本文介绍了OPC UA和Microsoft.NET的技术特点、技术背景和两者之间的关系;同时基于未来组态软件的技术特点和发展方向,介绍了两者在组态软件中的应用及其重要性。最后指出,OPC UA与NET都顺应了自动化行业构建大系统、复杂系统的发展趋势,为实现企业监控管信息一体化奠定了技术基础,采用OPC UA和.NET技术是组态软件发展的必然。
This paper describes the OPC UA and Microsoft.NET's technical characteristics, technical background and the relationship between the each other. Based on the techni- cal characteristics and the development direction about the future configuration software, the configuration software between the application and its importance are introduced. Finally, OPC UA and. NET is conformed to the industry to build large-scale systems automation, complex system development trends. In order to monitor the management of enterprises laid the technical foundation for information integration .Using OPC UA and. NET technology is a necessity in the development configuration software.