

2-distance chromatic number of weak direct product graphs
摘要 图G(V,E)的2-距离染色是指正常的顶点染色,且任意距离不大于2的两个顶点着不同的颜色.得到弱直积图的一个2-距离色数的可达界,即Δ(G).Δ(H)+1≤χ2(G×H)≤χ2(G).2χ(H),且给出一些特殊弱直积图的2-距离色数,说明此界可达.如χ2(P2×Pn)=Δ(P2).Δ(Pn)+1=3(n≥3),χ2(Pm×Pn)=Δ(Pm).Δ(Pn)+1=5(m≥3,n≥3)说明下界可达,χ2(Km×Kn)=χ2(Km).2χ(Kn)=mn,说明上界可达. The 2-distance coloring of graph G(V,E) means a proper vertex coloring such that no two vertices at distance less than or equal to 2 in G were assigned the same color.The approachable boundary of 2-distance chromatic number of weak direct product graphs was obtained,where Δ(G)·Δ(H)+1≤χ2(G×H)≤χ2(G)·χ2(H), and some 2-distance chromatic numbers of particular weak direct product graphs were given,also,showing that this boundary could be reached.For example,χ2(P2×Pn)=Δ(P2).Δ(Pn)+1=3(n≥3),χ2(Pm×Pn)=Δ(Pm).Δ(Pn)+1=5(m≥3,n≥3)implies that the lower boundary was approachable and χ2(Km×Kn)=χ2(Km).2χ(Kn)=mn implies that the upper boundary was approachable.
出处 《兰州理工大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第5期143-145,共3页 Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology
基金 甘肃省高校研究生导师基金(0501-03)
关键词 2-距离染色 2-距离色数 弱直积图 2-distance coloring 2-distance chromatic number weak direct product graphs
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